Frequently Asked Questions and Complication
Circumcision’s General Questions
Is the circumcision is painful?
No. Circumcision should be a pain frees procedure, as long as the local anesthetic has been administered correctly. Local anesthetic is safe for all ages.
We test your son before starting the circumcision and show you how he does not feel any pain.
The local anesthetic will take away the pain sensation but maintain normal touch sensation which is painless. The baby may cry from this painless touch as it feels like an unusual sensation in the genitalia.
How much does a circumcision cost?
The price varies and dependents on child’s age. In addition, for adults the price varies further based on whether it is a new or revised circumcision.
How is the procedure done?
A description of the process can be found on our Circumcision Procedure page.
What is the best age to get a child circumcised?
The earlier is the better but the optimum age is 2-3 weeks. The advantages of the procedure are easy to carry out using the Plastibell ring method and the recovery is quick.
Am I awake during the procedure?
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. We can sedate adult and in some case children during the procedure.
Is there an age limit?
No. Circumcision can be done at any age, from birth to the very old. For those under 18, we require a guardian’s consent.
How long is the recovery time?
In babies under 2 months, it should heal completely in about two weeks. In older children, it should heal in about 3 weeks. Full anatomical healing can take up to 6 weeks.
Are parents allowed to be present during the procedure?
We respect parent’s wishes and it is up to them if they want to stay during the procedure in the operation room or remain in the waiting room. Parents have a big role in comforting and feeding the bay during the procedure and after the procedure and are informed more about after care. We highly recommend if especially mothers feel distressed during the procedure leave the operation room and trust their doctor who is performing the procedure.
Can I take my child home straight away?
You will be in the clinic for half an hour after the procedure for observation and after that you will go home.
Should I be aware of any risks associated with a circumcision?
Occasionally there will be a small amount of bleeding from the site many hours after the procedure 1 in 3000. This is treated by applying pressure to the penis for about 5 minutes. Infection can also occur, however it is extremely rare 1 in 1000. It is evident by seeing excess redness and pus, accompanied by a foul smell. It can easily be treated usually with an antibiotic either topically or orally. If there is any serious bleeding once you have taken the child home – you need to contact us urgently so that it can be dealt with as soon as possible.
In case of an emergency who do we contact?
You contact our Dr 24/7 with mobile No provided to you in case of any concerns.
Do you tidy up previous circumcisions or do you do revision? (re-circumcision?
Yes we do. In fact we have many parents who bring their son from all over the Australia asking us to tidy up previous circumcisions they have had elsewhere and they are not happy with it. This varies from scar revisions to tightening up loose circumcisions etc. Please contact us for a quote, You may need to come for a consultation first to discuss your exact requirements and for us to examine your son’s existing circumcision.
Complications and risk of circumcision
Complications of circumcision are very rare and easily manageable.
Bleeding or oozing
Bleeding or oozing – The expected blood loss during neonatal circumcision is just a few drops (easily handled with one 4 x 4 ” gauze pad), so bleeding that exceeds this expectation is a complication. Apply direct pressure to the site for 5 to 10 minutes and if it continued contact us.
Swelling and Bruising
Swelling and bruising-Considerable swelling and bruising is quite normal and takes up to 2 weeks to resolve.
As with any medical procedure, localized pain during and for a short time after the procedure will likely occur. A local anesthetic is mostly used and will be discussed during the consultation. Oral painkillers can be administered for comfort after the circumcision for 24 to 48 hours. The pain is significantly reduced when the procedure is completed at the youngest possible age.
This is very rare to happens then you may require antibiotics if it occurs.
“Botched up” surgery
Buried or Concealed Penis-This happens if you have a significant amount of pubic fate or a small penis. You can prevent this by applying a very thin layer of petroleum jelly to the entire tip of the penis twice a day for 2-3 weeks till the tip heals. the concealed penis is when the length of the penis shaft is no greater than its diameter of when the penis is retracted mostly due to a significant amount of pubic fat. This is normal but can cause re adhesion of the remaining of the foreskin back to the glans (tip of the penis)
Retained ring of plastible
The Plastic Circumcision Device is effective in minimizing all of these problems. But has own very rare complication.
Retained ring of plastible: the plasible normally falls off on its own, occasionally the ring moves backward and gets retained. If ring has not fallen off within two weeks (age depend) please make an appointment to see our doctors.
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